Our Services

Our Services

What Service I Offer

I empower users and drive success for your business with beautiful and functional interfaces.

User Research & Analysis

My user research and analysis services delve into who your users are, what their needs are, and how they interact with your product.

User Persona Development

Who are your ideal users? My user persona development service helps you gain a deep understanding of your target audience.

Information Architecture & Wireframing

My I.A and wireframing services ensure your website or app is not only beautiful but also logical and easy to navigate.

Prototyping Development

Visualization is key to successful UI/UX design. My prototype development service transforms your design concepts into interactive...

Usability Testing & Iteration

Creating a user-friendly interface is an iterative process. My usability testing and iteration service ensures your design is not just beautiful but also...

UI Design & Style Guide Creation

Beautiful design is the bridge between user and product. My UI design and style guide creation services translate your vision into a stunning and cohesive user...

I'm Open to Opportunities!

Are you a passionate individual or business with a vision for a user-friendly and successful product? I’m always excited to collaborate on new and exciting UI/UX design projects!

Why Choose Me

Your Partner in User-Centered Design

Tired of cookie-cutter interfaces that prioritize aesthetics over usability? Look no further. Here’s why I’m the designer you’ve been searching for:


Skills & Passion

I combine a deep understanding of UI/UX principles with expertise in tools like Figma (or your preferred tool) to deliver exceptional design solutions.


Unlimited Revisions

My focus goes beyond aesthetics, prioritizing intuitive interfaces and user satisfaction. Plus, I offer unlimited revisions – because getting it right matters.

How I Work

Find The Right Consulting Can Help Your Business

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I start by understanding your project goals, audience, and requirements through detailed discussions and research.


Next, I devise a strategic plan tailored to your objectives, outlining timelines, milestones, and deliverables.


With your input, I begin crafting the design process, ensuring it aligns with your vision and expectations.

Feedback & Revisions

I value your feedback throughout the process, making necessary revisions to refine the project until it meets your satisfaction.


Finally, I deliver the finished product, ensuring it's of the highest quality and ready to meet your objectives.


Even after delivery, I'm here to provide ongoing support and assistance to ensure the success of your project.

Needs Experience Business Consultant?

Let me help you navigate complex challenges, optimize processes, and unlock growth opportunities. With my expertise, I’ll empower your business to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Dhaka, Bangladesh


Affordable Pricing Plans

Every project is unique, so I offer personalized pricing based on your specific requirements and budget. Get in touch to discuss your project, and I’ll provide a tailored quote that fits your needs perfectly.

Lottie Animation for App/Web​

Ideal for: Splash screens, onboarding screens

$204-8 Second

Mobile/Tablet App UI/UX Design Pro

Ideal for: Designing intuitive and engaging mobile or tablet apps

$150Up to 20 screens

Web UI/UX Design Premium

Ideal for: Creating user-centered and visually appealing websites

$15Per page

Upon confirmation of your order, a 20% advance payment is required. When half of the work is completed, a 30% payment is due. Finally, upon project delivery, the remaining 50% payment will clear all dues. This structured payment process ensures transparency and progress throughout our collaboration.